Proving the Superiority of Intraoperative RecurrentLaryngeal Nerve Monitoring over Visualization Aloneduring Thyroidectomy



Proving the Superiority of Intraoperative Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring over Visualization Alone during Thyroidectomy

Beata Wojtczak, Dominik Marciniak, Krzysztof Kaliszewski, Krzysztof Sutkowski, Mateusz Głód,
Jerzy Rudnicki, Marek Bolanowski and Marcin Barczy ´nski

 | Biomedicines MDPI – March 2023 |

Development of a new clinical tool to evaluate the balance abilities of children with bilateral vestibularloss: The Geneva Balance Test



Aprile 2023

Development of a new clinical tool to evaluate the balance abilities of children with bilateral vestibular loss: The Geneva Balance Test

Emile Monin, Céline Bahim, Lou Baussand, Jean-François Cugnot, Maurizio Ranieri, Nils Guinand, Angélica Pérez Fornos and Hélène Cao Van

 | Frontiers in Neurology – 2023 |

Rates of osteoradionecrosis in resected oral cavity cancer reconstructed with free tissue transferin the intensity-modulated radiotherapy era



Rates of osteoradionecrosis in resected oral cavity cancer reconstructed with free tissue transfer in the intensity-modulated radiotherapy era

Shannon S. Wu | Hanna Hong | Michael Fritz | Jamie Ku | Brandon Prendes | Natalie Silver | Dane J. Genther | Peter Ciolek | Patrick Byrne | Philip Brauer | Chandana A. Reddy | Neil Woody | Shauna Campbell | Shlomo A. Koyfman | Eric D. Lamarre

 | Wiley – Head & Neck – 2023 |

European Laryngological Society position paper on laryngeal dysplasia Part I: aetiology and pathological classification



European Laryngological Society position paper on laryngeal dysplasia Part I: aetiology and pathological classification

Edward Odell · Hans Edmund Eckel · Ricard Simo · Miquel Quer · Vinidh Paleri · Jens Peter Klussmann · Marc Remacle · Elisabeth Sjögren · Cesare Piazza

| European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2021 |

Epiglottis Stiffening Operation for Epiglottis Collapse in OSAS:Standardization, Tips and Tricks



Epiglottis Stiffening Operation for Epiglottis Collapse in OSAS: Standardization, Tips and Tricks

Federico Leone, MD; Giulia Anna Marciante, MD; Alessandro Bianchi, MD; Michele Cerasuolo, MD; Giovanni Colombo, MD; Fabrizio Salamanca, MD

| The Laryngoscope July 2022 |

Discrepancies of video head impulse test results in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss with vertigo and vestibular neuritis



Discrepancies of video head impulse test results in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss with vertigo and vestibular neuritis

Yingzhao Liu, Yangming Leng, Renhong Zhou , Jingjing Liu, Hongchang Wang , Kaijun Xia , Bo Liu and Hongjun Xiao

| Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023 |