June 16-18 2022 | Cernobbio – Lake Como – Italy

HeAL 2022

June 16-18 2022

Cernobbio – Lake Como – Italy

HEAL 2022 Conference


by DECEMBER 15th, 2021

Visit the website and submit your abstract for HEAL 2022!


by NOVEMBER 30th, 2021!


In order to remodulate the scientific programme for the HEAL 2022 Conference which will be in presence, we kindly ask contributors to confirm whether the originally submitted abstracts

(in 2019-2020) – or the ones sent or replaced in the meantime –

are to be considered valid for the HEAL 2022 Conference.

We recently contacted all submitters and received many feedbacks,

but would like to urge those who have not replied yet to send an email

to abstract@meetandwork.com BY NOVEMBER 30th, 2021,

specifying if their submission is still valid or not.

After this date, NOT reconfirmed abstracts will not be considered any more.

There will still be the opportunity until DECEMBER 15th, 2021 to make new submissions

or update previously submitted and confirmed abstracts.

If your email contact has changed or you have not received the message, please contact abstract@meetandwork.com to confirm your submission.