Factors influencing audiologic outcomes inossiculoplasty for chronic otitis media: a prospectivemulticentre study
Tympanic Perforations in Children: When to Propose SurgicalClosure?
The effect of piston diameter in primary stapes surgery on surgicalsuccess
Reconstructive ossiculoplasty options in primary cholesteatomasurgeries with an intact stapes
Cholesteatoma Severity Determines the Risk of RecurrentPaediatric Cholesteatoma More Than the Surgical Approach
Characteristics of repeated recidivism insurgical cases of cholesteatoma requiring canal wall reconstruction
Hiroaki Yazama, MD, PhD, Yasuomi Kunimoto, MD, PhD, Kensaku Hasegawa, MD, PhD, Tasuku Watanabe, MD and Kazunori Fujiwara, MD, PhD
| Ear, Nose & Throat Journal – 2024 |
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