Accuracy of p16 IHC in Classifying HPV-Driven OPSCC in Different Populations



Accuracy of p16 IHC in Classifying HPV-Driven OPSCC in Different Populations

Roberto Gallus, Irene H Nauta, Linda Marklund, Davide Rizzo, Claudia Crescio, Luca Mureddu, Paolo Tropiano, Giovanni Delogu and Francesco Bussu.

 | Cancers – MDPI – 2023 |

Surgical Treatment for Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancer: A Narrative Review



Surgical Treatment for Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancer: A Narrative Review

Antonino Maniaci, Sheng-Po Hao, Francesco Cancemi, Damiano Giardini, Emanuele Checcoli, Francesco Soprani, Giannicola Iannella, Claudio Vicini, Salvatore Cocuzza, Ignazio La Mantia, Nicolas Fakhry and Andrea De Vito

 | Medicina – MDPI – 2023 |

Magnetic resonance imaging based radiomics prediction of Human Papillomavirus infection status and overall survival in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma



Magnetic resonance imaging based radiomics prediction of Human Papillomavirus infection status and overall survival in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

Paulien A. Boot, Steven W. Mes, Christiaan M. de Bloeme, Roland M. Martens, C. Ren´e Leemans, Ronald Boellaard, Mark A. van de Wiel, Pim de Graaf

| ELSEVIER Oral Oncology – 2023 |

Rates of osteoradionecrosis in resected oral cavity cancer reconstructed with free tissue transferin the intensity-modulated radiotherapy era



Rates of osteoradionecrosis in resected oral cavity cancer reconstructed with free tissue transfer in the intensity-modulated radiotherapy era

Shannon S. Wu | Hanna Hong | Michael Fritz | Jamie Ku | Brandon Prendes | Natalie Silver | Dane J. Genther | Peter Ciolek | Patrick Byrne | Philip Brauer | Chandana A. Reddy | Neil Woody | Shauna Campbell | Shlomo A. Koyfman | Eric D. Lamarre

 | Wiley – Head & Neck – 2023 |

Photodynamic Therapy as an Alternative Therapeutic Tool in Functionally Inoperable Oral and Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: A Single Tertiary Center Retrospective Cohort Analysis



Photodynamic Therapy as an Alternative Therapeutic Tool in Functionally Inoperable Oral and Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: A Single Tertiary Center Retrospective Cohort Analysis

Arnaud Lambert, Lotte Nees, Sandra Nuyts, Paul Clement, Jeroen Meulemans, Pierre Delaere and Vincent Vander Poorten

 | Frontiers in Oncology – March 2021 |

Reconstructive Options after Oncological Rhinectomy: State of the Art



Reconstructive Options after Oncological Rhinectomy: State of the Art

Andrea Migliorelli, Rossella Sgarzani, Giovanni Cammaroto, Andrea De Vito, Manlio Gessaroli, Marianna Manuelli, Andrea Ciorba, Chiara Bianchini, Stefano Pelucchi and Giuseppe Meccariello

 | MDPI – Healthcare 2023 |

Parathyroid hormone‑related peptide and parathyroid hormone‑related peptide receptor type 1 in locally advanced laryngeal cancer as prognostic indicators of relapse and survival



Parathyroid hormone‑related peptide and parathyroid hormone‑related peptide receptor type 1 in locally advanced laryngeal cancer as prognostic indicators of relapse and survival

Giovanni Almadori1, Antonella Coli, Eugenio De Corso, Dario Antonio Mele, Stefano Settimi, Giovanni Di Cintio, Francesca Brigato, Domenico Scannone, Libero Lauriola and Franco Oreste Ranelletti

| Almadori et al. BMC Cancer – 2022 |

Do We Have Enough Evidence to Specifically Recommend Transoral Robotic Surgery in HPV Driven Oropharyngeal Cancer? A Systematic Review



Do We Have Enough Evidence to Specifically Recommend Transoral Robotic Surgery in HPV Driven Oropharyngeal Cancer? A Systematic Review

Armando De Virgilio, Andrea Costantino, Davide Rizzo, Claudia Crescio, Roberto Gallus, Giuseppe Spriano, Giuseppe Mercante, Bianca Maria Festa, Remo Accorona, Lorenzo Pignataro, Pasquale Capaccio and Francesco Bussu

| Pathogens – 18 January 2023 |