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Indications for absorbable steroid-eluting sinus implants: Viewpoint via the Delphi method

Victoria S. LeeMD, Prayag PatelMD, Daniel O’Brien MD, George A. Scangas MD, Raewyn G. CampbellMD, Rakesh Chandra MD, MMHC, Greg E. Davis MD,MPH, Joseph K Han MD, Christopher H. Le MD, Jivianne LeeMD, Amber U. Luong MDPhD, David M. PoetkerMDMA, Hassan Ramadan MDMSc, Michael Setzen MD, Kristine SmithMD, SarahWise MD, MSCR, Jennifer VillwockMD, Elisabeth FerenceMD, MPH | IFAR: International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology – 6 June 2022 |


Diagnostic accuracy outcomes of office-based (outpatient) biopsies in patients with laryngopharyngeal lesions: A systematic review

Mervyn Owusu-Ayim • Sushil R. Ranjan • Alison E. Lim • Alexander D. G. Rogers • Jenny Montgomery • Susanne Flach • Jaiganaesh Manickavasagam | Clinical Otolaryngology , 2022 |

NBI and Laryngeal Papillomatosis: A Diagnostic Challenge: A Systematic Review

Carmelo Saraniti • Salvatore Gallina • Barbara Verro | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2022 |

Preoperative evaluation and treatment consideration of parotid gland tumors

Katri Aro MD, PhD, Jarkko Korpi MD, DDS, PhD, Jussi Tarkkanen MD, PhD, Antti Makitie MD, PhD, Timo Atula MD, PhD | Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology , 2020 |

Office-based olfactory mucosa biopsies

Eric H. Holbrook, M.D., Lina Rebeiz, and James E. Schwob, M.D.,Ph.D | HHS Public Access – Author manuscript – Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 June 01. |

Phoniatricians and otorhinolaryngologists approaching oropharyngeal dysphagia: an update on FEES

Antonio Schindler – Laura W. J. Baijens – Ahmed Geneid – Nicole Pizzorni | European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – 15 November 2021 |

Rhinogenic and sinus headache – Literature review

Bernichi J.V., Rizzo V.L., Villa J.F., Santos R.F., Caparroz F.A. | American Journal of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery – 17 June 2021 |

Diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction / inducible laryngeal obstruction-A Delphi study protocol

Paul LeongI, Anne E. Vertigan, Mark Hew, Malcolm Baxter, Debra Phyland, James H. Hull, Thomas L. Carroll, Peter G. Gibson, Vanessa M. McDonald, Philip G. Bardin | PLOS ONE – December 29, 2022 |

Trans-septal Suturing Versus Merocel Nasal Packing: A Post Septoplasty Comparisonl

Shantanu Mandal, N. Tripathi Ashwin, Akriti Sharma, Rohit Bhardwaj | Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg – Agosto 2020 |

Ambulatory anesthetic care in children undergoing myringotomy and tube placement: current perspectives

Hal Robinson, Thomas Engelhardt | Dovepress – Local and Regional Anesthesia – 19 Aprile 2017 |

International survey and consensus (ICON) on ambulatory surgery in rhinology

L. de Gabory, L.J. Sowerby, J.M. DelGaudio, A. Al-Hussaini, C. Hopkins, E. Serrano | European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck diseases 135 (2018) |

Evaluation of Vestibular Function in Patients Affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea PerformingFunctional Head Impulse Test (fHIT)

Annalisa Pace, Alessandro Milani, Valeria Rossetti, Giannicola Iannella, Antonino Maniaci, Salvatore Cocuzza, Danilo Alunni Fegatelli, Annarita Vestri, Giuseppe Magliulo | Nature and Science of Sleep – March 2022 |

Tinnitus treatment by vagus nerve stimulation: A systematic review

I. Stegeman, H. M. Velde, P. A. J. T. Robe, R. J. Stokroos, A. L. Smit | PLOS ONE – March 11, 2021 |


Diagnosis and treatment of isolated snoring-open questions and areas for future research

B. Hofauer • B. Braumann • C. Heiser • M. Herzog • J. T. Maurer • S. PloBl • J. U. Sommer • A. Steffen • T. Verse • B. A. Stuck | Sleep and Breathing , 2021 |

Surgical Interventions for Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy: A Comprehensive Review of Current Techniques and Technologies

Baharudin Abdullah, Sharanjeet Singh | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021 |

E-Health and Telemedicine in Otolaryngology

Lance A. Manning, MD, Christina M. Gillespie, MD | Otolaryngol Clin N Am, Maggio 2022 |

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