May 25-27, 2022 | Tel Aviv – Israel

2nd Israeli Conference on Facial Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery

May 25-27, 2022

Dan Panorama Hotel

Tel Aviv – Israel


Missed the original deadline? 
You have 3 more weeks to submit your abstract of original work for consideration as an oral presentation or poster presentation at
IAFPRS 2022.


Instructions for Preparing and Formatting Your Abstract

Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Maximum number of words is 300.

Abstracts will be accepted and published as submitted without any further editing.

Submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in Conference related publications.


Dear Italian Association of ORL,
I am David Gudis, a Rhinologist at Columbia University in New York.  We are thrilled to announce our free virtual 4th Annual Columbia University Endoscopic Sinus, Skull Base, Orbit, and Ear Surgery Course, June 9-11, 2021.  I would be honored if you could distribute this information to your Italian Otolaryngology network so that we may maximize worldwide participation!  We would love for all interested surgeons worldwide to join us to discuss the latest surgical advances with our internationally renowned speakers.
In 2018 and 2019 our first two courses sold out to maximum capacity with surgeons from around the world who joined us in New York City to learn the latest in endoscopic ear, sinus, skull base, and orbital surgery in our lectures and hands-on surgery lab.  In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we moved our course online and created free access worldwide.  We were thrilled when over 5,000 participants from 125 countries joined us last year!  We are very excited to present the 4th Annual Columbia University Endoscopic Otolaryngology Course, with free participation worldwide!  

Register for free at  Certificates of Participation will be distributed.  
Please see the flyer attached for more information and the lecture schedule.  Thank you very much for helping us spread the word!  
David Gudis